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This platform increases employee efficiency by allowing you to closely monitor their activities and performance. By analyzing data and reports generated by the platform, you can identify the strengths and weaknesses of each individual and implement necessary improvements within the organization accordingly.

Increasing efficiency

By using this platform to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of your employees, you are showing them that their contributions are valued and appreciated. This kind of positive reinforcement can help to foster a sense of loyalty and commitment among your team members.

Increase loyalty

By using Starium , you can evaluate your employees' performance in the best possible way and show them proper appreciation and gratitude. This platform helps to improve employee satisfaction and enhance the work process within your organization

Increased satisfaction

we believe that using this platform and showing proper appreciation and gratitude will lead to employee retention within the organization. Employees who see that their employer appreciates them appropriately and values their efforts, feel more satisfied and have stronger connections with their organization. Therefore, using this platform can help increase employee retention and productivity within the organization.

Increase the durability

Using this platform, managers can showcase the performance and efforts of their employees in a transparent and accessible manner. As a result, employees feel that their efforts are recognized and are aware of their position within the organization. This creates opportunities for professional development and performance improvement for employees and ultimately leads to organizational growth and improved employee engagement

be seen

One of the key features of this platform is providing opportunities for employee participation in organizational decision-making. Using this platform, managers can easily collect employee opinions and suggestions regarding organizational decisions and use them in their decision-making process. As a result, employees feel that their perspectives and ideas are heard and, if necessary, can participate in the organizational decision-making process. This leads to improved organizational culture and increased employee engagement.

Participation in

Another key feature of this platform is that it stores and archives all employee activities. These activities include events and awards given to employees, employee performance and efforts, employee opinions and suggestions, and other relevant employee and organizational information. By storing and archiving this information, managers can use the employee performance history for evaluation and performance improvement purposes. Additionally, this platform serves as a useful database for managers in the recruitment and selection process

Archive of activities

One of the aspects that this platform helps create in the organization is a sense of appreciation and gratitude towards employees. Using this platform, managers can award their employees with prizes and showcase their performance and efforts publicly. These actions lead to an increase in employees' self-appreciation, satisfaction, and better engagement with the organization. Additionally, by displaying employee performance and efforts transparently, opportunities arise for identifying and analyzing employees' strengths and weaknesses, which is useful in improving employee performance.

Feeling appreciated

One of the benefits of using this platform is creating a sense of mutual understanding between employees and managers in the organization. Using this platform, managers can display employee performance and efforts transparently, and employees can provide their suggestions and feedback to managers. This process creates an open, transparent, and collaborative workspace between managers and employees, leading to a sustainable relationship between them. Additionally, by listening to employee opinions and suggestions, managers can make better organizational decisions and address employee needs. These actions create a mutual workspace where all members of the organization collaborate better with each other


One of the positive outcomes of using this platform is creating a sense of healthy competition in the organization. Using this platform, employees can compare their performance and efforts with other employees in the organization and earn rewards and recognition for better performance. These actions lead to increased effort and professional growth of employees, ultimately resulting in overall improvement in organizational performance. Additionally, creating healthy competition strengthens employees' skills and readiness for future job opportunities. These actions create an energetic and dynamic workspace where employees challenge each other and strengthen their professional growth together

Create competition

Another advantage of using this platform is improving the quality of work life in the organization. Using this platform, managers can easily gather employee opinions and suggestions and use them to improve working conditions in the organization. Additionally, this platform enables employees to act more as active personalities in front of their organization and participate in the decision-making process of the organization. This process leads to an increase in employee ownership and motivation to improve working conditions and work-life quality in the organization. Moreover, by creating a dynamic and energetic workspace, employees will feel more satisfied and happy in their work life. Therefore, using this platform helps to improve the quality of work life in the organization.

Quality of work life

Another advantage of using this platform is obtaining accurate and detailed reports on employees' performance. Using this platform, managers can monitor employees' performance accurately and in real-time and quickly access performance results. Additionally, as this platform automatically records employees' activities, it provides managers with a precise analysis of employees' performance. Moreover, due to storing and archiving employees' data, this platform creates an opportunity for comparing employees' performance in different periods. This process improves the evaluation process and employee performance improvement. Based on these accurate and detailed reports, managers can plan and follow up on improving employee and organizational performance.

Detailed reports
Current Users 754
Current Organs 8
Starium Lifetime 10 D
Comprehensive appreciation

our platform has the capability of all-around appreciation. Using this platform, managers can show recognition and appreciation to their employees, and conversely, employees can also express gratitude towards their managers and colleagues. This feature enhances organizational culture and internal communication, boosting employee satisfaction and motivation.


Using our platform, each team or group within an organization can create its own separate awards for its employees. This helps teams and groups to create healthy competition and, in addition to increasing motivation and making awards exclusive, it also helps to improve internal communication, enhance organizational culture, and increase work quality. With our platform, you'll be able to create different types of awards for different groups within your organization and encourage your employees to improve their performance and productivity.

Submit a survey

our platform has the capability to create polls for each group or team. With this feature, you can easily create different types of polls for different teams and groups within your organization. This helps teams and groups to share their opinions with each other and improve organizational culture and work quality. Additionally, you can view live poll results and quickly get insights from them. You can publish these sentences on your website and introduce others to the features of our platform for improving collaboration and efficiency in their organizations.

Send notification

our platform has the capability to create and send memos or announcements to each group or team. With this feature, you can easily create different types of memos and announcements for different teams and groups within your organization and automatically send them to team members. This helps teams and groups to easily access new information and improve organizational culture and work quality. Additionally, you can choose specific groups only for special memos and announcements.

Send a gift card

Our platform for employee recognition, appreciation, and performance evaluation allows you to send a digital gift card to any individual, group, or team within your organization. This feature can serve as a useful tool to show appreciation for top-performing employees, boost motivation, and improve your organization's credibility.

Send a Alert

our platform also allows you to send alerts to any individual, group, or team within your organization. This feature can help keep employees informed and up-to-date about important events, deadlines, or other relevant information that affects their work. With this capability, you can ensure that everyone in your organization is on the same page and working towards the same goals

Analytical reports

Our platform offers detailed and accurate analytical reports that can help you track employee performance, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions. These reports provide valuable insights into your organization's operations, including the number of recognitions given, the most recognized employees, and the impact of recognition on employee engagement and productivity. With this capability, you can gain a better understanding of your employees' needs and preferences, and tailor your recognition and appreciation efforts accordingly

Daily mode

Our platform includes a daily mood management feature that allows all your employees to log their daily moods. This feature enables employees to easily express their feelings and show their colleagues what state they are currently in - whether they are happy, sad, angry, or just feeling normal. This feature is highly important as it provides valuable information to employers about the mood and emotions of their employees, which can help improve relationships and increase employee engagement. Additionally, this tool allows employees to easily stay in touch with each other and provide support if needed.